Sunday 15 December 2013

#12. Been A While

Exactly what title says. It's been a while since I posted anything on this tiny little blog I have here, partly because I almost forgot I had a blog here, but partly because I was rather... busy these days.

One of the drawbacks of being a college student is exams. Tomorrow is the last day of my final, and I'm... not taking that well. I just choked down a cup of particularly thick broth of coffee, and my heart is already rejecting it. Gah, as if I've got enough time to finish my studies and shits.

I'm not a big fan of first-person shooters, mostly because I suck at run-and-gun and first perspective shits. (Did I mention I prefer old-fashioned grid maps?) I have absolutely no interest for Call of Duty, but things are different when you happen to live in a country where the nation gives you one - offline. Face it, if your duty as a citizen includes a 21-month army program you look for some alternatives, as in, some divisions where you don't need to be an Asian cousin of Private Pyle. And since all I've got to get over with it is my puny English skills, so... another test I had. I'm waiting for the results, and either I pass or fail, I'll be annoyed as hell.

We don't have much anger control sessions here, or for that matter, not much of a mental care, and I'm like having an nth week of sanity slippage. Maybe I'm to young and naive to take reality as it is and expressing a prime example of escapisim. Maybe I'm just as paranoid and mentally ustable as I thought I am. Maybe it's all just my delusion. Am I happy? Citizen, are you happy? Happiness is mandatory. Duh.

Maybe it's just me and my mysterious zest for RPG, but for some reason I started to take my flaws in character as, well, "character flaws." As if I get extra points for all these flaws I have. I really need to quit this, I know.

So... it's just me, as usual. Nothing to worry about, really. End transmission.