Friday 26 December 2014

#25. All's Well... So Far

Been a month... actually it's a tad more than a month, but still. I was busy and lazy, and I'm taking my days off, which is about an hour and a half left to go. So this will be a quick report on how my works are in progress. So here we go:

Kriegspiel: Scrapped. For now. After I spent my spare times for a week or so I found out that, well, making all-new board game was no for someone inexperienced like myself. Storyline is another problem, which will be discussed later on. So rest in peace, Kriegspiel, until next brainstorming.

Gi Megami Tensei: Not scrapped - actually it's almost done on the beginning end and the finishing end. The problem is, what should come between them? Writing a storyline is one thing, but the other is how to realize it into a videogame. I'm not a programmer, yet, just an amatuer writer and a director-wannabe. Starting as a fangame was not a bad idea, it's just that maybe I bit off much, much more than I can even chew. Still, I found that some people are quite interested in my notes of how to make a SMT fangame, so maybe I can assure that someone, hopefully more than one, out there is with me.

Dogma: Nakian and I shared some more discussions and brainstormings since then, but hey, it was a huge project, too huge for just him and me. The concept of the game is there, but the problem occurs on how to make it into a 4X-esque videogame. Nakian's idea was, making a prologue for how this particular faith came into being, applying surrounding environments with it, and starting there. Recently I found this awesome game called Endless Space - maybe this is how we should approach. Faithfully, of course.

Other stuffs: I'm helplessly delusive, I admit. It's just that, my brain just can't stop thinking up something weird for novels, videogames, anime, or whatever. If you're familliar with Discworld, I started to overlap myself with that poor duck. Bah, better pull myself together, I'm still in my service and it's still an year left to go.

Other than that... Nope, nothing more. Gotta go, and I'll keep my fingers crossed to post anything (and I mean anything) within a month. End transmission.

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