Thursday 15 January 2015

#27. A Rather Careful Assumptions on Persona 5

I love Persona series. You should've known it by now.

So last time I remember gushing about how my birthday wasn't on November. Persona 5 is ready to deploy, yet all we know about it is a) it's about freedom; b) the protagonist is a second-grader in some high school in Shibuya, contrary to how 3 and 4 was far away from urban area; c) it's bloody red. There was this Wild Mass Guessing that it's based on Greek mythology, mostly because of how Q used a certain event featuring very Greek symbolism.

You know what, I have another assumption on 5. So here we go:

Persona 5 may be based on Greek mythology, to specify some more, the myth of Hercules.

We all know that there must be something very, very Greek going on 5. While I was working on my Gi Megami Tensei stuff and some other fanboying I thought if 5 is going to be Greek and talking about freedom, then legend of Hercules is very plausible. Here's why:

a) Born as a bastard child of Zeus, Hercules lived quite a miserable life, mostly because Hera found him very, very irritable. The result is lifetime slavery of his own fate, accomplishing twelve labours, fighting godly wars, and living as a tragic hero. This could be used as a metaphor of seeking freedom in the midst of oppression - freeing oneself from one's own fate.
b) Hercules is famous for his Twelve Labour, given by Hera (via Eurystheus) for killing his own family. Now we all know that twelve months makes a year, and in 3 and 4 the player is given a year for the entire storyline. Maybe each Labour comes per a month, as Arcana Shadows did in 3.
c) This might be rather suggestive, but Persona series have used goddess figures for final boss (The exception being 2). There was Pandora and Snow Queen in 1, Nyx in 3, and Izanami in 4. If my theory is correct, the goddess figure for 5 - the True Final Boss behind all this, and the greatest enemy of Hercules - would be Hera. This matches the certain event in Q, which caused my brainstorming in the first place. (Abandon all hopes[on spoilers], all ye who enter the link.)

Well, it's all just another Wild Mass Guessing, so don't take it seriously. Unless - and it's really, really improbable, I know - it's correct. Who knows? End transmission.

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