Saturday 18 November 2017

Weirdo Whoever Plays D&D: Homage to the Past

Oldies are goodies. If I ever become famous enough to write an autobiography (which won't happen anyway, but still) that phrase could be the title. So yeah, some conversions from past editions that I have never played at all, because the very concept is freakin' awesome.

Took me weeks to finish this. Most of the time were spent on finding materials and determining which one to convert, and converting work took just as much. I thank my old DM for providing some 3.5e and 4e books, I owe him so much.

Maybe I should gather up my players to playtest this. I'm not sure if they're all balanced enough.

The WWPD&D document "Homage to the Past" can be found here (Google Docs) or here (NaturalCrit Homebrewery).

The entire WWPD&D documents can be found here.

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