Tuesday 16 January 2018

#45. Harmless Ghost Story

Believe it or not, I am a total loser when it comes to horror stories. (But then, I am a loser by default, so that doesn't make much difference.) I mean, I don't have the right quality to enjoy all those jumpscares and goosebumps, especially jumpscares. There is masochistic joy, and there is jumpscares, which are not exactly good for my fragile heart.

But I should admit, horror stories have their niches, and some elements can be used for greater effects in other genres as well. The mystery-solving plot, the cruel twist, the charismatically hideous terrors... All of them are universal, but they shine most when the genre is set to horror.

So I've been indulging myself into recently concluded Five Nights at Freddy's franchise, as well as some other indie horror sensations, and one thought struck my mind: What's up with all these ghosts and their schadenfraude? I won't spoil much of the details (if there are still some things left to spoil at all) but all the ghosts in various games are determined, no, obsessed with tormenting mortals and driving them to suicide, if not outright killing them by themselves. If that is what happens when anyone dies, then I might have my reason not to die. Why can't the dead just leave the livings let live and rest in peace?

I know it's cheesy at best and diabetes-inducingly sweet at worst, but I do think that the ol' friendly ghost trope could be implemented for better effects. Maybe someone is dead, failed or was unwilling to move on to whatever that happens after death, but does not want to kill or worry others. Maybe they want to proceed to the afterlife but can't. (The reason could be serious like "someone else is keeping them from moving on" or "the killer is at large and thus [the ghost] cannot rest," or stupid like "they missed the upcoming Spinal Tap concert" or "[the ghost's] boss would be upset if they didn't show up at work.") Maybe you should help the ghost leave the mortal realm, because like Terminator, they cannot self-exorcise. More than often it would be living people who are more treacherous and deadly than ghosts. The list goes on. It would make a good visual novel story, at least.

So another nitwits on non-existent videogame idea ends here. When would I ever push myself into more committed lifestyle? Aw well, I'll just stick to translation job for now. End transmission.

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