Monday 26 May 2014

#14. Back... For A While.

Long time no post. As I have written months ago I have been working for public service known as "army," and there's not much internet in there. I took some days off and today is the last one of it. Should have used all those time for something more useful, I regret, but hey, sooner or later time will take care of everything.

I have something to write really quick, for I am running out of time. In the army I have been thinking: Why did I start calling myself Weirdo in the first place? Why is this blog called Workshop when there is nothing much to work? What do I want to do, and why? I sorta came up with some answers, and here it goes.

I call myself weirdo because, well, that is what I am. It took me almost 20 solid years to realize and admit that I am not just a geek or nerd, but a freak, a weirdo. I realized that my interest is not like the others when I was like fifteen or so, and I kinda rejected the fact. Only when I was eighteen, when I wrote my first (failed) scenario I had to admit that, hey, this is what I should do for the rest of my life. It is said that humanity has three basic desire - eat, sleep, and, ahem, fuck. It was like I have the fourth desire, to make stories. What to do with it, no one knows, even myself.

This blog was supposed to be my official site, in case I go stranger than usual and manage to write something truly interesting. Now that I think of it, I was trying too hard. I am antisocial to the bone (but again, who isn't?) and thought anyone can be the next ZUN or Studio Pixel if they try their strangest. Hell, it's called Team Shanghai Alice and Studio Pixel but everyone knows that both of them are in fact one brilliant man. I was seventeen when I thought, hey, I can do that, and started to work on my own. Hence the big-titled Weirdo Workshop.

What do I want to do? Write something interesting. Why do I want to do that? Dunno. In fact, someone tell me why. I just do that, like breathing. It's just that I cannot write anything funny or interesting or entertaining.

I have always thought I was unique, and there's no mind like mine. I was wrong. I met this weirdo in the army, and hell, this guy is my spritual replica. (Or am I his spiritual replica? Damn you, Zhuang Zhou.) This experience shocked me into thinking something even stranger: the Earth is populated by like seven billion humans. Let's say that one percent, no, one percent of one percent (that would be one-ten-thousands) of the population is someone like me. Someone addicted to stories and bullshits. That makes seventy thousand weirdos out there. Imagine someone collects them all, and start a project. My guess is that seventy thousand weirdos can make at least one videogame in a decade, if they are motivated enough.

That's what I have in mind. Lucky this blog is named Workshop.

So, well... if anyone is reading this, and anyone is interested in making something interesting, please let me know. Perhaps we can make something entertaining together. Perhaps we can be the next Nintendo. Perhaps people might know who we are, and love what we have made. All of this is just a speculation, except for this - it will be freakin' awesome.

I guess that's it for now. End transmission.

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