Monday 26 May 2014

#15. Color Coded For Your Convenience: The Game

Okay, while I'm still logged on, I really want to share this piece of idea with whoever reading this. I'm a daydreamer, not a programmer, so this one is highly improbable, but who knows?

We all know that JRPG has at least one of those "type" that affects the battle. Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy gave us the minimum. Pokemon gave us a whole lot of variation. Shin Megami Tensei showed how serious it could be. But it's kinda tedious to see the same attributes over and over again. I mean, yes, the good ol' Fire-Water-Earth-Air stuff is golden as hell, but sometimes we want something more. Something different. Kingdom of Loathing got hillarious on that, but it still has its limits.

And suddenly I came us with this stupid idea of using colors for type. The idea is simple: Everyone gets a color for type. Every attack has a color for type. Use a similar-toned color against someone, it does less damage. Use a complementary colored attack against someone, it does more damage. For example, it you're red you'll take more damage from green-colored attacks and less from pink- or orange-colored attack.

I know the drawback. It will be one hell of programming shit to make this thing real. But as I have admitted above, I'm a daydreamer, not a programmer. I'll join to solve this problem, though.

The idea was simple like that, and suddenly my delusional mind came up with a story that fits in the system. Imagine a world where the sun shines in separated colors, painting the world in all different spectrum. Everyone in the world is divided into their colors, each with different cultural and emotional background. I have this idea that this is ingrained in their languages, such as "someone's red" means someone's angry and "going yellow" means going crazy.

The protagonist - you, that is - is our classic RPG hero. Jack of all trade, and amnesic. (S)he will be prism-colored, a unique trait that can be any color (s)he wish to be. (Okay, okay, another Persona shout-out, I admit.) The protagonist wakes up, wonders how (s)he got here, and goes on an adventure, with his/her loyal friends (s)he meets.

Okay, this could be better than it sounds. It's just that I can't make it out for now. If you're interested in this piece of improbable idea let me know. I may be out of reach for another month or so, but hey, I'll be most welcome for your interests. End transmission.

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