Saturday 9 November 2013

#8. "How The World Came Into Being"

Long before the time, the world was one. There was neither light nor darkness, so nothing can be told from any other, and everything stood opaque, undivided. Then one day two things came into being, seperating each other from the rest of the world - Iv, the Bright One, the First Light, rose among others and shone upon the world; Nuun, the Dark One, the First Dusk, crept beneath everything and kept them stood and still. With the light and darkness to tell each other, the world became clearer, and everything in the world found its own shape and color.
Iv and Nuun decided to look after the new, clear world together, but there was one problem: light and darkness could not exist at the same place. It was against their nature. So the twin deities made an arrangement to look after the world in turn - Iv, the Bright One filled the world with glorious and passionate luminisence for one half; Nuun, the Dark One veiled the world with mysterious and soothing darkenss for another half. This is how day and night came into being.
But the twin deities cared the world so much, that they could not stand their respective blank. Thus they made another arrangement, to support each other for their time off. Hence the moon and stars glistened in the night sky, an eye and teardrops of Iv; and shadow draped where the sun does not shine, the generous touch of Nuun.

Finally something more productive than random thoughts and bullshits. I'm not a fan of monotheism, or for that matter, religion in general. Don't get me wrong - I'm by no means an atheist, I just don't care if there is a god (or are gods, in case of polytheism) or not. Yet I love the use of mythology in history, and pretty much every mythology starts with how the world came into being. (There are some exceptions, though: Korean mythology, for example, starts with the god loving the earth and sending his son to marry a bear-turned-human and settle down.) So hey, why not make up a piece of how-the-world-started mythos?

Since my junior high days (which I consider a really old shame, I was young and stupid and emo as hell, meh) I was always curious of what's so wrong with being dark and shady. Partially because I was a dark and shady back then, but also because, hey, light isn't always good and dark isn't always evil. The idea of Yin and Yang in Taoism was pretty interesting to me, in the same token. Everything in the world has light and darkness at the same time, they can't be seperated and aren't supposed to, and neither of them is good or evil, they're just how the world is supposed to be. I took the idea to create the twin gods of Iv and Nuun. It was only a few weeks ago I came up with, hey, the moon is bright in the night and there's always shadow where the sun doesn't shine. This was a happy discovery to myself, and the story became more detailed.

If there is a church of Iv and Nuun, I think it will look quite alike to Catholic church. Maybe it's because of my lack of imagination. End transmission.

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