Thursday 14 November 2013

#9. Some days I'm Having These Days

Assignment hell these days. Stayed all night awake this Monday, and my body's paying the consequences, what with bleeding gums and shits. Depression surges every other moment, and seriously, I have no idea how to overcome my own mental slump. I don't want to be a whiner, which is I should admit what I am. Perhaps this is why I have self-esteem issue, or the other way 'round. Dunno, I gave up thinking too hard on this stuff.

Random thoughts are storming in my brain, and I just can't make 'em clear for now. It's all daydreaming, after all, which is kinda depressing when I realize I'm spending more time in this bullshits than what I'm supposed to do now. What a slacker I am, ha ha.

Did I mention I'm writing all this in 12 A.M.? Talk about self-inflicted insomnia. I'm the type of a person whose heart reacts first when tired, and my heart is composing a piece of dubstep. Better take some sleep, really. End transmission.

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