Saturday 2 November 2013

#4. Insomnia Strikes Again + Yet Another Brain Cleaning

Pretty much what title says. Insomnia claims yet another victim, only I'm not much of a victim than a regular visit. It's getting worse these days, god knows why.

While I'm at it, I'd like to talk about this random bullshit that's been haunting my brain cells for weeks. I'm a small fan of Kamen Rider franchise, and have watched through Fourze and Wizard. I have also watched some episodes from Faiz, Blade, Den-O and Double, but not the whole series. I like the idea of superhero stuff, both Eastern and Western, and Kamen Rider has its distinct traits that I can't quite put it but still fascinates me.

So here's a thing - what about I write something like that myself? Short, and perhaps not as entertaining as the original one, but still. But here comes the twist - instead of one superhero that saves the day, I'd like to add a non-superpower character and a Kaijin (simply put, a Monster of the Week) as a major character. Just like Faiz. I'll just call them Hero, Everyman and Beast, for convenience.

Let us say there are three traits that make the perfect character: Truth, Power and Justice. Every three main characters lack one of them each, and that makes the plot moving on. Hero has Power and Justice, but has no idea of the Truth regarding his superpower and villians. Everyman has Justice and Truth, but has no Power to execute his/her justice. Beast has Power and Truth, but lacks Justice to put his power for the greater good.

Kamen Rider has a tradition of having a common source of power for both Riders and MotW, so I'll keep it that way. Let us say that there is a serum that boosts physical ability and limited supernatural power, in exchange of human appearance. Some evil bastards took this in their hands, manufactured a bunch of it, and sold to whoever willing to buy this stuff. Hero has his suit to use this serum indirectly, so he has full control on his power, but he doesn't know this mechanism. Perhaps some sort of Hero Inc. found him fit, just, and naive enough to use him as their pawn.

Beast is one of the client of those Villian syndicate, and uses serum to turn into a kaijin. He works as an "insurance" for other syndicates, while he works on his/her own for the truth behind the serum. Since Beast lacks justice, this would be purely out of personal gain, or something little more than that. Perhaps he finds out the truth, and blackmails the Villian behind the serum.

Everyman is a journalist - imagine Shinji from Ryuki, minus the belt. He is after the mess made by civilians-turned-monster and a mysterious heroic figure, and probably will find out the secrets and truth behind the monsters and everything. He will achieve this in hard ways, though - he is no Clark Kent, so chances are he will be saved a few times by Hero, threatened by Beast, and overall go through some really rough days in his life.

Well, that's it for now. I have proved myself to lack any endurance or shits to keep on writing stuffs for more than one chapter, and I doubt I'll get over with it. Premature, anyone? End transmission.

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