Friday 1 November 2013

#1. First Step

It's 1 A.M. and I just made this blog. Sometimes insomnia inspires me more than anything, or as I should put it, at least motivate me to do whatever other than just lying in the bed.

Allow me to introduce myself. I'm a self-proclaimed weirdo (if my handle name didn't make it clear enough) and pretty much anyone around me agrees with me. I don't speak English as my mother tongue, but without it, I'm little more than incompetent. I'm not the best example of socially aware, and at least I want to claim myself to be asexual. (Why would anyone have any erotic inclination toward me, anyway?) My psyche is officially messed up, and recently my counsellor have announced me that I might have a slight chance of having a depression. (Gosh, who would've guessed?) Oh, and I'm a big fan of so-called sub-culture, especially Japanese animes and games. Currently I'm digging Shin Megami Tensei franchise, and actually writing some concept ideas of a fangame.

Speaking of writing concepts, that's all I'm doing. Yeah. Err. Writing concepts. I'm not good with making anything useful out of anything, I haven't learn to programming, graphic designing, music composing, and while I'm on it, I'm pretty much good for nothing. All I do is daydreaming, writing some wacky stuffs, and waiting for it to come true. What a weirdo I am.

I made this blog to write some random stuffs, to do get some brainstorming ideas out of my skull, to clean up my moth-eaten piece of matter I should call my brain. Some of the ideas could be interesting to someone other than myself, but I'm pretty sure that not many would follow what the hell am I talking about. But that matters little anymore - at 1 A.M. you get this funny sort of enlightment that, it's whole lot better than keeping these extravaganzas in your head just for the hell of it.

That's pretty much everything I've got to say for now. End transmission.

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